
Patient Engagement –  February 7, 2022 (STILL TIME TO REGISTER NOW)
The goal of this course is for all Care Team Members to learn engagement tools/skills in order to have productive conversations with patients about their health including basic motivational interviewing skills. The Care Team Member will build upon this foundation in order to apply their skills in different situations, such as Medication Assisted Treatment, (MAT) and Palliative Care.

Course Objectives:
•    Describe the patient-centered approach of Motivational Interviewing (MI).
•    Explain the conversation style that is the Spirit of MI.
•    Demonstrate basic MI skills.
•    Discuss how to use patient language cues in the application of MI skills.
•    Explain how to engage the patient in the four processes in MI necessary for health behavior change.
•    Identify barriers to patient engagement and behavior change.
•    Identify how to make cultural adaptations to MI.

It is strongly recommended to take Introduction to Team Based Care before taking this course.

February 7, 2022    9:00 am – 4:00 pm


Register here

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Introduction to Team-Based Care – April 20-21, 2022
The Introduction to Team-Based Care course helps the learner better understand how to work in a multidisciplinary care team and in collaboration with the patient. Open to all members of the practice to gain foundational knowledge in Team-Based Care.

Introduction to Team-Based Care will include:
•    Why, What, Who and How: Team-Based Care
•    Care Management Process
•    Outcomes and Triple AIM
•    Billing Applications

*This course is required for all care team members new to their role in order to bill PDCM codes.

When: (Live Virtual)
April 20, 2022        8:00am – 12:30pm
April 21, 2022        9:00am – 11:30am
(Must attend both days to receive credits)

Cost: $300.00

Register Here

Click here for flyer
Introduction to Palliative Care – April 27, 2022
This training will provide care team members with a foundation by which to begin introducing Palliative Care into the primary care practice.

Course Objectives:
•    An introduction to Palliative Care
•    Focus on the Eight Domains of Palliative Care
•    The Multidisciplinary team
•    Communicating Palliative Care to patients and families

When: (Live Virtual)
April 27, 2022        9:00am – 12:00pm

Cost: $150

Register here

Click here for flyer

Practice Transformation Institute: February 2022 Blog

February is Cervical Health Awareness Month

As Covid cases continue to go up and down like a wild roller coaster, how long will this surreal ride last? Please let me off. I’m done. I never liked this ride from the very beginning. We all hope the current giant hill we are on will be the last and we will no longer feel like we are in danger. I guess that remains to be seen (fingers crossed). Unfortunately, this continual up and down of cases makes a difference to some people whether they go for preventive appointments and/or tests. With February being Cervical Health Awareness Month, it is sadly notable that 26% of women surveyed have not scheduled a cervical cancer screening since the pandemic began. Almost 24% of women aged 40 to 60 say it has been more than 36 months since their last appointment with their OB/GYN provider. That’s not good. These are women who may be at an increased risk for this preventable type of cancer.

Risk factors:
* Being over 30 years old and have an HPV (human papillomavirus) infection that hasn’t cleared up.
+ HPV is the most transmissible sexual infection in the United States and is now considered a common infection. There are more than 40 types of HPV. Nine out of 10 cervical cancers are caused by HPV and almost all can be prevented by vaccination. Some types of HPV can cause genital warts, but others can cause cervical cancer and certain other cancers (vagina, vulva, penis, anus, back of throat). Vaccines for HPV can help prevent the infections that can lead to these problems. The CDC recommends that girls and boys get the HPV vaccine at age 11 or 12, but you can still get vaccinated all the way up to age 26. It can be weeks or even years after HPV exposure that symptoms develop, making it difficult to know when or whom HPV may have been contacted.
* Having sex at an early age
* Having multiple sex partners
* Not having regular cervical screenings
* Smoking
* Using birth control pills for a long time
* Having a weakened immune system
* Having a close relative who has had cervical cancer, like a mother or sister
* Being exposed to diethylstilbestrol (DES) before birth

* Increased or unusual discharge from the vagina
* Blood spotting or light bleeding at time other than a normal menstrual period
* Menstrual bleeding that lasts longer and heavier than normal
* Bleeding or pain during or after sex
* Bleeding after menopause

Note: Certain precancerous conditions of the cervix usually do not cause symptoms and can only be detected with a Pap test and pelvic exam.

Unfortunately, cervical cancer does not usually show symptoms until in the later stages. Pap tests, pelvic exams and HPV tests are crucial in order for early detection.

Cervical cancer used to be one of the leading causes of death for women. With cervical cancer regular screening, vaccination and follow-up treatment, it is now one of the most preventable cancers out there.
Please make your appointment to get preventive appointments and/or tests scheduled if you’ve been putting them off. With all the measures in place at provider offices and hospital outpatient departments, they are safe places to go for care.

Early detection saves lives.

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